Nov 4, 20211 minBilal Animation MovieWorked as a Character Supervisor(Rigging) and Creature TD for this movie named 'Bilal' and lead the team of riggers. Responsible for...
Nov 4, 20211 minBeware the Batman Haunted - Season 01Worked as a Character Supervisor (Rigging) for this TV series. Provided various solutions for the rigs by doing R&D. Designed some of the...
Nov 1, 20211 minBubble Rigging For DowntownCredits: -------- Producer: Downtown Films Downtown Co-ordinator: Ravi Firefly Director: Phani Eggone Music: Ranjan Sharma Rigging :...
Nov 1, 20211 minPython Scripting : Rack Formation in "Infosys Shopping Trip 360"Have done Rack-Formation script (as_EasyForm) for this video. This script helps animator to easily animate the formation of rack for...